Catchy title? I hope so! I'm super excited about the idea of doing a fall fitness challenge!! I've been thinking about it a lot and have decided a couple things. I'm going to run it by you all to see if you like it.
1. Optional weigh-in weekly. Some people may not want to weigh in on a weekly basis, so we will make the weekly ones optional. The only ones that will be mandatory will be the first and last. You will have to post a picture of your scale for each mandatory weigh-in just to show proof. Obviously there is still room for cheating on this because, well, you can always weigh your final one with one leg off the scale or something. But, if you really feel the need to cheat, you're not cheating anyone but yourself anyways, so...
2. First official weigh-in will be next Tuesday. We will run it for 8 weeks. If you choose to weigh-in weekly, you will do so each Tuesday, and on Wednesday I'll post a 'leader board'. It will be based on percentage of weight lost since we are all starting at different weights.
3. Each week I will post a weekly challenge. They will be a variety of things such as post a blog about one thing you're thankful for, or give up one bad habit for the week, or something like that. I promise not to make them too complicated and I'll post all of the weekly challenges on the first official challenge post (I still have to come up with all of them). These are just for fun, you don't HAVE to complete them all, but there MAY be a prize for whoever does do them all (a name will be drawn randomly if more than one person does them all).
4. Prizes will go to at least the top two winners at the end of the challenge, maybe a third place as well depending on how many people join.
Ummm, I think that's all my ideas for now. Mention it on your blog, copy and paste the picture, post a link to me, do all you can to encourage people to join! The more the merrier (and the better the competition!).

YAY!!!! Sounds great. I can't wait to get started. :)
I'm with you Bobbi! I say let's do this thing!
I really need an added boost of motivation! I'm in!
I am on Weight Watchers. Can I just take a picture of my weight print out sheet. No cheating there! I don't even weigh myself and its documented. I don't own a scale at home because I become a complete psycho...
This sounds so awesome!
i'm in! boy do i need this to keep motivated! :)
This is awesome!!! I am in!! When I get home, I'll add this to my blog!! This might just be the kick in the butt I'm looking for!
Love it! Nice way to stay motivated to lose a few more lbs before the holidays come smack us in the backside :-)
I'm so in! I need a kick in the behind to get fully motivated.
Yay, I'm in! And psyched you're allowing a not-so-frequent weigh in option!!
Im in!!! Thanks for hosting!!
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