*Cue the circus announcer voice*
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls - welcome to ThunderThighs' Fit and Fabulous Fall Challenge! Eight weeks of blood, sweat and tears! Let the games begin!!
Well everyone, it's here. First, let me explain a few of the official rules and information:
1. Today you MUST post your beginning weight on your blog. I will allow initial weigh-ins for about 24 hours, which takes us to 10:00 EST Wednesday morning. You also have to comment on this post with your URL so I know where to go to find your initial weigh-in. Tomorrow I will post a list of all the participants. In your initial weigh-in post, feel free to copy and paste the picture for the challenge and be sure to link it back to this post. You can do that by highlighting any word or even the picture itself (for example I usually write "click --->HERE<---" and I link the word 'HERE') and clicking the icon "Link" in the toolbar of Blogger. Then simply copy and paste this post's URL into the text box and you're gold. That way anyone who reads your blog can find this post and read what the challenge is all about (your followers may want to participate too, the more the merrier!).
2. The weekly weigh-ins are optional. I've heard a few people request this so they don't have to go crazy worrying about their weight every week. If you do want to weigh-in weekly, though, I will post a leader board every Wednesday to see who is in the lead with percentage lost. Personally, this will be the exciting part because it keeps me competitive! If you do want to weigh-in weekly, simply post a pic of your weight each Tuesday.
3. This challenge will also include mini weekly challenges. This is another optional part of the challenge, but I think it'll make it a little more fun and interesting than just weighing ourselves once a week. If you complete all of the weekly challenges, your name will be put into a drawing for a prize for participation. Make sure you write about how you completed it in a post on your blog at some point throughout that particular week so I know if you've participated. I will post a list of those who've completed the mini challenge in the same post as the leader board each Wednesday so you will be able to see if I read your post, and that way if I miss anyone, you can let me know. I hope that makes sense! Anyways, here are the mini challenges for each week:
- Week one - Today, in addition to weighing in, visit all challenge participants' blogs and share some encouragement through commenting on their post. Even a simple 'good luck' counts. One of the whole purposes of this challenge is to create a community of people who are in this weight loss journey together (ok, and the competition is helpful too, so you'll be able to see what you're up against *wink wink*).
- Week two - Try one new healthy food or recipe. Have fun taking a pic of your food/recipe or posting the recipe on your blog.
- Week three - Try one new activity or push yourself harder in your current activity. So for example, take that Zumba class you've been meaning to try, or instead of walking for 30 minutes, try 45 minutes. Make sure you write about it!
- Week four - Half way! Blog about your progress so far and set three goals you'd like to achieve for the last 4 weeks of the challenge.
- Week five - Write a post about at least one thing you appreciate in your life. Feel free to share pics!
- Week six - Be kind to yourself: make a list of ten things you love about yourself. Sometimes this can be the hardest thing to do!
- Week seven - Try another new activity or push yourself even harder in your current activity!
- Week eight - Write a post that reflects on this challenge. Did you accomplish your goals? Did you meet new bloggers? Did you feel encouraged by each other? Was the challenge worth your time?
4. The eight weeks will be up on Tuesday, November 6th. Your final weigh-in will be due at that point. On that Wednesday, I'll post the final results and prizes will be awarded to the top three 'losers'. I haven't quite figured out what the prizes will be yet. They aren't going to be anything major, but I'll make sure they have to do with health and fitness (I'm thinking of a cookbook, one of those water bottles that filter the water, etc. I'll figure it out before the end, I promise!).
Well, I think that's everything! If you have any questions or need anything explained further, feel free to ask. Make sure you comment on this blog so I know your participating (write your URL in your comment too). My personal goal in all this is to (like I mentioned earlier) create a community of weightloss bloggers, and add in a little competition as well. I hope this challenge will be fun and worth your time! I highly encourage everyone to take part in the mini challenges. Enjoy yourself and good luck everyone!!

First one! WHOOO!
Weigh in & week one challenge complete!
Here it is!!
Thank you for doing this challenge!! :)
So excited for the challenge!!!
I'm in!! Check me out at http://lovebug6100.blogspot.com....and while I'm at it....I wish everyone a very successful 8 weeks!!!
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