Weigh-in day! Here it is:
Down 1.4!
I guess 1.4 pounds isn't too bad. But actually, my weight has been all over the place lately so I really don't know what to believe. Last night I weighed myself and it said 205 and then earlier this afternoon it said 202. Who knows. The picture above was my first-thing-in-the-morning-before-eating-after-a-good-poop-weigh-in so it's the official one, and I'll take it.

Be sure to click ------> HERE <------ to read about my fall fitness challenge! It'll be starting next Tuesday, September 11th (to be honest, I didn't realize what the date was when I first decided when to start). I'm so excited! (and I just can't hide it)
I did run this morning:
The picture on the left is the total that I did. Not too bad and an okay pace, definitely faster than I've done so far. I did not have the stroller, so I think that might have made the difference. I went further too, because I had more time (for whatever reason I couldn't fall back asleep after feeding the baby at 6:30, so I got up and went out at 7:30). I did stop at the 5k mark to take a quick pic of my progress, which is on the right. A full 5k in just about 37 minutes? I'll definitely take that!!! That's three minutes faster than my last 5k! I pretty much ran the entire first 3.1 miles, and then had to walk a little more in the last mile. At about the 3 mile to the 3.25 mark it's a nice steep downhill, but then when I turn around that means from the 3.25 mark to the 3.5 mark it's a nice steep UPHILL! I had to walk quite a bit of that, but I was still getting a good workout because of the incline.
Tuesday is usually a rest day, but I didn't run on Sunday (hungover, HA) and I didn't feel like getting up yesterday morning to ride because the baby kept me up most of the night Sunday night (to torture me because I was hungover). My hubby and I did go on a quick bike ride last night, though. It was actually a stupid idea because we went too late in the evening and it was really dark before we made it back. See, there's a paved bike path right along our property that I run and ride on, so at least we didn't have to worry about car traffic. But, at one point, it was so dark on the path it was like riding with your eyes closed. It was really scary actually, and I fell way behind because I didn't want to go too fast in case I fell. I should have taken my phone so I could log the miles and the pace, but I really didn't think we'd go as far as we did. We ended up going about 14 miles all together, and my hubby usually fizzles out at around 8 (plus he usually doesn't ride as fast as we did last night, I think he's obsessing with competing against me don't know what's gotten into him!).
Oh oh oh oh!! I almost forgot to mention that my hubby said he read an article that Jillian Michaels is coming back to Biggest Loser! I was JUST talking about how I missed her the other day! I'm so excited. :)
Well my bloggy peeps, happy Tuesday, here's to making it through yet another week!
congrats on your loss! Almost in the 100's!
Congrats on the loss! I am looking forward to the challenge!
So close to dropping into the ones...those are always great moments!
I love my bike & can't wait to get back on it. Way to go on the run!
Down 1.4 is amazing! Great work. I'm impressed with the amount of activity you do. Keep it up chica!
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