Give me a second to stretch my fingers out, because this is going to be a long story. I have been on my "sabbatical" for over a year now. A LOT has happened in that year. Where do I even begin to start?? How about the biggest change of my life - my baby.
I know I mentioned last year that my hubby and I were going to start trying for a baby. Well, sometime in September, it worked. Over the course of the next nine months my belly grew, as did my weight. We found out in December we were having a boy, and yes, as my previous post noted, we decided on Michael Scott, a.k.a. Mikey. At 38 weeks along, the doctor realized that he was breech and promptly scheduled a C-section. I wasn't too happy with the idea of being cut open, but I had to deal because there was no way they would deliver a breech baby naturally and there was little hope that he would turn over. The C-section was scheduled for June 5th, the day after the last day of school. But, on May 25th, I felt a small pop in my belly, and though I initially thought I just had to go to the bathroom, it turned out my water broke. Apparently Mikey wanted nothing to do with a June 5th birthday, and decided to make his appearance early.
Needless to say, we rushed to the hospital as soon as we could because the hospital we chose to deliver at is a half an hour from our house. My hubby really didn't like the idea of delivering his son himself, though I couldn't understand why (just kidding). At 10:20 pm my handsome son was born at 7 pounds 2 ounces and 20 inches long. My life hasn't been the same since.
People try to warn you about how much your life changes after having a baby, but the warnings do you no justice. You never truly understand until you actually live through it. It sure has been a rough couple of months, making all the new adjustments and settling everything down.
Anyways, as far as work, I won't be back to school until November. I'm lucky enough to be able to take 12 weeks off, which will put me back the week before Thanksgiving. My son will be almost six months old by then. I have a new position this year, which I'm not happy about. Whereas last year I was in a Language Arts classroom, this year I'll be Science. Of course that's my least favorite subject. But my district, just like most other districts across America, has had to make tremendous cuts in staff, and I'm just lucky to even have a job, so I'm not complaining.
Well, on to the subject of weight. Gosh. Pregnancy really did a number on my body. That darn baby made me, yes twisted my arm, go to Taco Bell and Dairy Queen on a regular basis. Even though I continued to teach aerobics until I was 8 months along, I ended up gaining a huge amount of weight. Let's see, I'm pretty sure at my first doctor's visit I weighed in at 166 (which I wasn't happy with as it was). My last visit, I weighed in at 248 pounds. Two. Hundred. Forty-Eight. Pounds. That means I gained 82 pounds. For a 7 pound baby. Holy Toledo.
I did lose quite a bit right off the bat though. My current weight is 210, which isn't great, but at least I've already lost 30 pounds (including the 7 pound baby). But, I'm still a far cry from 166, let alone my goal weight of 130. I have 90 pounds to lose. Wow, even writing that number is overwhelming.
Future plans? How am I planning on doing this? Eating right (darn it, no more Taco Bell and Dairy Queen several times a week) and exercising.
Officially, here are my goals:
- Lose 20 pounds before I go back to school in November. I think (hope... pray...) that's going to be too small of a number, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there if it needs to be adjusted.
- Pre-prego weight by my birthday (April 27th)
- Hit 130 pounds by the time I go back to school next year.
- Ride in the MS 150 Escape
- Run two half marathons next year.
I've always said I'm not a runner. I've always said I would never run a marathon. But here I am, already signed up for two marathons next year. The first is in August and the second is in October. This allows me plenty of time to train.
The inspiration to run these half marathons came from the evening news. It started after yoga class at the Y, as I was walking out to my car. I happened to see a car with one of those 26.2 stickers on the window. I thought to myself that I'd like one of those some day. I figured a half marathon wouldn't be to bad, though I doubt I'll ever do a full 26.2 miles. Then I could get one of the 13.1 stickers for my car (I guess I could just buy one and not really have to run, but that'd be cheating, and that's not my style).

The next morning, I talked my stepdad into running it with me and registered both of us. We got a pretty good deal since we were one of the first 500 people to register. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if we were one of the first 50 since the race was just announced the previous day. That marathon is in October, and upon checking out the website, we realized there is also a race in August of next year in Pittsburgh. It just so happens that my mom and stepdad live in that area, and to top it off, if you run two races in the Rock and Roll Marathon series in one year, you get a really cute medal with two guitars in the shape of an 'X'. So, we decided to register for that one as well.
Now, I'm sure this isn't all that exciting to most people, but it's a huge step for me. If you had asked me last week if I ever thought I'd be registered for a half marathon, I'd have laughed in your face. But, when I make a decision to do something, I go all out. And sign myself up for two. Oh gosh, what am I getting myself into?!?!
I also plan to do the MS 150 Escape again next year. It's been two years since I did my first one, and it's about time to do it again. I didn't do it last year because I was too busy (ok, lazy) to train, and didn't do it this year because, well, I had a belly the size of a basketball that prevented training. This race is a 150 mile bike ride to benefit multiple sclerosis. It was a lot of fun the last time, and I love biking, so I'm excited to do it again. It's always at the beginning of June, so I'll have plenty of time to get fit for that one as well. Another possibility is the MS 150 Pedal to the Point ride, which is the same concept of a 150 mile ride but in a different location, and it takes place in August. Doing that one will depend on if I have the energy to do it after the half marathon (if they don't fall on the same weekend anyways).
Keep in mind, I don't expect to finish first in any of these races, I just want to finish. Plus, the training will help me get in shape, be healthy and lose weight. So, here's to the journey - wish me luck!

HOW EFFING CUTE IS LITTLE MIKEY!? Seriously, I think my uterus just skipped a beat. He. Is. Adorable. So good to have you back and I'm excited to hear about your training for the bike ride and half marathons - go you for signing up! Thats incredible! Looking forward to reading more soon :)
Welcome back-he is ADORABLE! Looking forward to your new journey.
Congrats on the baby! And don't worry about gaining that weight, like you said, it was the baby who made you do it and that is completely natural! You'll get back to it, you can do it!
Welcome back and congrats!!!!
Congrats on your son! Keep up the hard work! One thing I’ve found to be extremely helpful and useful as a supplement to my current diet/exercise plan is Fullbar ( Not only do their products help you lose weight, they also help you maintain your weight loss.
Thanks!! :)
Congratulations on the new baby. And welcome back. :D
Congrats! He is chewable!
Oh WOW!!! I'm so happy you're back. I can't believe it! What a beautiful boy!! Congratulations Momma!!!
So, a year ago. Some how you found my original blog (challenge accepted) and pretty much introduced me into the society that has been built around this weight loss blogging. I'm so happy that you are back, and I'm hoping you will join my new blog to follow me again, and share that amazing support you gave me. I needed a new start, so I started a new blog all over.
I'm so excited you are back!!!! I cannot believe you have a baby! I'm so happy for you!!!!
Thanks! I have missed everyone that I used to talk to, and I definitely remember you :) I'll be sure to stop by your new blog!
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