Friday, March 19, 2010

how to build a bridge and get over it: step three

empowering yourself through motivation...

find the motivation... FIND MOTIVATION... even when you get off track and gain about ten pounds in two weeks (like i have thanks to massive amounts of binging).... motivation will help you get it all back... motivation WILL help me get it back... and it differs in everyone... something that motivates me may not work for you... something that works for you may not work for me!

i've found mine here... online... on blogspot and blog to lose... i've found it in people that are struggling like me... i've come to realize that i'm not the only one in this world who is having these difficulties... which is helpful for me to know, because i hate feeling lonely... being lonely is my biggest fear... and not physically, because i'm so used to being by myself that sometimes when i'm physically around other people, such as my husband, i have a bad habit of forgetting they are there and getting lost in my own mind/world... no, i'm talking emotionally lonely... like feeling that i'm the only one in the world who can binge for two weeks straight and seriously damage what great accomplishments i've already achieved... but that's not true, because i can read other people's blogs and know that i'm not the only one and that everyone loses control (perhaps not to my extreme) and struggles at some point in the weight loss adventure... the fact that i can also read that other people can get over it is my motivation that i can too!

it's that motivation that keeps reminding me today is a new day... i can workout today... i can eat healthy today... i can control myself today... and if for some reason any of those three don't work out, i can start all over tomorrow... other people do it, so can i!

1 comment:

Eci si Cami said...

Interesting that you are ambitious you go ..... the truth is that health is so clean! Greetings!